This from the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce:
This year, the Kentucky Chamber’s policy councils have placed special emphasis on policies that warrant immediate action and yield long-term benefits for the Kentucky business community. It’s time to get Kentuckians back to work with policies that will promote economic growth, because growth cannot be sustained without proper policies to support it.
On January 3, as the 2012 General Assembly begins, Kentucky Chamber policy advocates will work directly with legislators to create policies that will:Download the Chamber’s 2012 Legislative Agenda for a detailed look at the business community’s 2012 priorities.
support career and technical training. raise the high school drop-out age from 16 to 18. uphold new, tougher academic standards. promote quality teaching – reward great teachers, remove bad teachers. implement performance funding for new investment in higher education. promote sound budgeting – adhere to the Chamber’s spending principles. reform public pension systems to put them on sound financial footing. stop prescription drug abuse. reduce smoking and improve health and productivity. promote a competitive tax climate – reform taxes that hinder job growth. allow our horse industry to compete through expanded gaming. encourage business investment through angel investment and economic development plans. address unemployment interest payments in an employer-friendly manner. promote cleaner coal as a key source of reliable energy. support low-cost energy by protecting the current Public Service Commission structure.
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